ZNANSTVENICI ZAPREPAŠTENI PODACIMA KOJI SU IM UPRAVO STIGLI S JUŽNOG POLA Oboren novi temperaturni rekord, Antarktika je ovih dana toplija od Hrvatske

ANTARCTICA - FEBRUARY 09: Glaciers and icebergs surround Garlache Strait in Antarctica, on February 9, 2019. Turkey organized National Science Antarctica expedition for the 3rd time. Antarctica has been attracting scientific research teams and explorers with its challenging geography and nature throughout the history. Besides its attractiveness the continent is the world's coldest, most windy and arid place. For these reasons bases established here are allowed only for scientific research. The continent, which is not under the rule of any country, is called the continent of science and peace. 98 percent of the continent is covered almost entirely by ice that averages about a mile (1.6 kilometers) thick where 67 percent of the freshwater source on earth is found. During the winter season, sea ice fields covering about 18 million square kilometers, fall approximately 2 to 3 million square kilometer in the summer. The untouched nature of Antarctica is of great importance for the future of the world. The live water resources of the continent and the water potential in the glaciers are seen as the future water and food security of earth. Antarctica is the only continent on Earth without indigenous human inhabitants It only hosts various animals such as penguins, seals, whales and birds. The Antarctic Treaty, which was signed in 1959 when 53 countries were a party, allowed only bases with scientific studies and research to be active on the continent. There are about 100 scientific bases of 30 countries on the continent.
Ozge Elif Kizil / Anadolu Agency

Na Antarktici je po prvi puta u povijesti zabilježena temperatura iznad 20 Celzijevih stupnjeva, piše The Guardian.

Naime, brazilski znanstvenici zabilježili su temperaturu od 20.75 Celzijevih stupnjeva na otoku Seymour 9. veljače te je ona bila za stupanj veća od prošle najveće zabilježene koja je u siječnju 1982. godine izmjerena na otoku Signy.

Samo dva dana ranije, 7. veljače, baza Esperanza na sjevernom dijelu Antarktike izmjerila je temperaturu od 18.3 stupnja, a ovaj novi rekord morat će potvrditi Svjetska meteorološka organizacija.

Znanstvenici koji svaka tri dana prikupljaju podatke s istraživačkih stanica opisuju ovaj rekord nevjerojatnim.

– Primjećujemo da dolazi do porasta temperature prema podacima različitih istraživačkih stanica koje pratimo, ali nikada nismo vidjeli ovako nešto, kazao je brazilski znanstvenik Carlos Shaefer koji djeluje u sklopu Terrantara, projekta brazilske vlade koji prati utjecaj klimatskih promjena na 23 lokacije na Antarktici.

Znanstvenici koji rade na ovom projektu kažu da na porast temperature utječu promjene u oceanskim strujama i globalni klimatski fenomen El Nino.

– Imamo klimatske promjene u atmosferi koje su povezane s promjenama u permafrostu i oceanima. Sve je to povezano, ističu. Piše